Yep, that’s like any other cloned swap

Rug Ministry
Mar 29, 2021

The biggest difference is that we redistribute the rug back to our community:

- Best participants: biggest losers, late buys, early sells, a random transaction address and many others will receive a bounty of 10–30% of the total rug-pull.

-Native token (MOR) holders: 10–30% of the rug-pull will be used to purchase native tokens and BURN them.

- Referral system has 5–8% allocated from the total rug.

-The rest of the community will have the chance to exchange the activity token for the native token so that the funds can later on be used for another acitivity/game, this will represent 20–40% of the rug-pull.

- 10% of the rug-pull will be used as dev fund and marketing.

In summary: 90% goes back to our community every time



Rug Ministry

The only rug that will earn you $$$ on #BSC #Binance Chain